High School
High School
Lesson 4
Vaccine History and Research
Vaccine History and Research
Students explore the history of vaccine research and ethical considerations related to vaccine research. Students read a historical account of vaccine research to develop their understanding of science as a process of testing ideas, exploration and discovery that results in benefits for society. To conclude this lesson, students read about development of the hepatitis B vaccine and consider ethical questions related to development of two versions of the vaccine through a class discussion and individual writing assignment.
Lesson Questions
- What are the key discoveries in the history of vaccine research?
- Who are the leading scientists in the history of vaccine research?
- What are the main ethical considerations of vaccine research?
Lesson Files
- Teacher fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
- Student fileUpdated: 3/12/2018
Lesson Resources

Updated: 3/12/2018