Safa Browne

Safa Browne

Safa is a Clinical Research Associate for a company that specializes in coordinating late-stage clinical trials. She previously worked as a research coordinator for the Vaccine Education Center at CHOP. Safa studied journalism and business management before deciding to get her graduate degree in public health (MPH). Safa has studied infectious diseases and health communication. Her previous research looked at the connection between HIV/AIDS and social media use among young adults.

How did you first become interested in science?

I first became interested in science in my high school biology class.

Who was your favorite science teacher growing up and why?

Ms. Wiley my chemistry teacher because she really made chemistry enjoyable and much less daunting then initially thought.

When did you know you wanted to pursue a career related to science?

While working at a research institute at the University of Pennsylvania. I was able to hear from many different researchers on all the projects they were doing to help better the public’s health and health care.

What advice do you have for students interested in a STEM career?

Take every opportunity to learn. Science is an ever-changing field, and you will always be a student.