The American Biology Teacher Features VEC Guest Commentary
The American Biology Teacher is an award-winning, peer-refereed professional journal for K-16 biology teachers. The commentary “Vaccines: An Educational Imperative & Opportunity for Biology Teachers” written by Charlotte A. Moser, Assistant Director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (VEC), and Paul A. Offit, MD, Director of the VEC and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, appeared in the May 2019 volume.
The commentary described the unique opportunity science teachers have in the current information environment and the importance of instilling an understanding of how science works in current students. The editorial also described ways that educators can equip the next generation to accurately evaluate information on the scientific topics they encounter in everyday life.
View or download the commentary here:
Vaccines: An Educational Imperative & Opportunity for Biology Teachers